It’s hard to describe the excitement generated by the grand opening of Bequia’s airport, the Island had waited a long time and the big day had finally arrived! The formal ceremony on May 15, 1992, which happened to be Son Mitchell’s birthday, was a momentous occasion attended by many Caribbean dignitaries, and as I watched the Prime Minister approach the podium my eyes welled with tears. Son had worked incredibly hard to make the airport a reality, and had every right to look proud as he welcomed his distinguished guests to Bequia. The new airport was very much the Prime Minister’s “baby”, so much so that he named it after himself, J.F.Mitchell!

The construction of the airport had taken less than two years thanks to the efficiency of Interboten/Ham, the hard-working contractors from the Netherlands. The project was completed ahead of schedule, a feat pretty much unheard of in the Caribbean, plus 300 extra feet of runway had been added to give us a total of 3,609 feet. This runway length would allow small business jets and regional aircraft to land on Bequia, making travel between the Caribbean Islands much easier for locals as well as foreign homeowners and tourists.

The terminal building, although not large, was modern and brightly painted, with flags flapping proudly at its entrance. The arrival and departure areas were separated by the check-in counters, and there was a restaurant/bar and observation area facing the tarmac. People would be able to watch planes land and take off while sipping a cold drink and enjoying a snack, very nice indeed! I liked the terminal building, it was attractive as well as functional, and I hoped the salty sea blast wouldn’t prove detrimental to its appearance.

Like many Bequians, Mac and I had talked about the airport a lot during its construction. Mac confessed a burning desire to take flying lessons, and with an airport on the Island perhaps his dream of becoming a pilot would come true. I welcomed the possibility of easier flights to neighboring islands, no more having to cross the rough channel on a ferry! Mustique Airways was going to introduce a shuttle flight from Bequia to the mainland, how sweet was THAT? The six-minute flight would cost $70.00 EC return, a real treat to someone like me who got seasick just stepping onto a boat. Yes, an airport on Bequia was going to be a wonderful thing.

Why then, oh WHY did I feel a titch uneasy about the airport? It was going to make getting to and from Bequia so much easier, why that little niggle of doubt? Perhaps the airport would make the Island TOO easy to get to, was that it? Even though Bequia now had modern ferries (at least, more modern than a wooden schooner!), people coming to Bequia really had to WANT to come, it still took time, effort and a bit of hardship to get here. Tourists willing to make the trek to Bequia were a special, hardy breed who understood and appreciated the unspoiled nature of the Island. Would the airport introduce a different type of tourist to the Island? Would they clamor for luxuries we simply didn’t offer? Would Bequia have to change to accommodate them?

I decided it wasn’t worth hurting my head over, what would be would be! Meanwhile I would enjoy the convenience of the J.F.Mitchell Airport, especially that fast trip to “tung” being offered by Mustique Airways!