Wedding Cake

My best friend on Bequia in the early ‘80s was Vanessa, a lovely Australian who had been living on the Island with her boyfriend Chris Bowman. Vanessa had been a nurse in Australia, and had become the person to go to with medical ailments. She was a gentle caring person (probably still is!) with a ready smile and I loved her dearly, so much so that I named my first daughter after her.

Vanessa and Chris had decided to get married, and this was going to be the wedding of the year for sure!  When Vanessa asked me to make her wedding cake I had grave misgivings…..I was not a very good cake maker.  Cinnamon buns and muffins were one thing, a three-tiered wedding cake another.  I could make a mean lime pie, my brownies were good, my banana bread excellent but my cake attempts were pretty dismal and I knew it.

It was decided that I was “it”, and I reluctantly agreed to give it my best try.  I had to search far and wide for the right pans, the tiers of the cake had to be different sizes and I had difficulty obtaining what I needed.  I honestly don’t remember what kind of cake I made in the end except that it had white frosting and didn’t look half bad!  It took a long time to make and assemble, and the frosting covered up a multitude of sins I am sure.

I had no cake decorating equipment and had decided to use fresh flowers instead of sugary ones.  I would put them around the tiers of the cake just before the wedding reception so that they weren’t wilted.  I went hunting for just the right blossoms and found lovely pink ones streaked with white, perfect for the occasion.  I put the bouquet of flowers in water to keep the petals fresh until it was time to decorate the cake.

Luckily a friend arrived at the Pizzeria and popped into the kitchen just as I was about to place the first blossom on the cake.  When she saw what I was doing she shrieked, “Judy, No!!”.  I had unknowingly picked oleander, which everyone on Bequia except MOI seemed to know was poisonous.  I had come very close to placing poisonous blossoms all over my best pal’s wedding cake!  My friend hurried out to find different blossoms while I stood over the cake feeling very stupid.

You live and learn.