For a couple of newly-weds Mac and I didn’t spend enough time together, the Pizzeria was up and running and life was hectic. Baker’s hours were hard, I would creep out of the marital bed each morning at 3:45 to start the day’s bread and breakfast pastries. Breakfast turned into lunch without a break, after which I would grab a much-needed nap before the dinner rush. It was usually 11:00 before I got home, where I would find Mac either asleep or watching movies with a bunch of his friends! Time spent alone simply wasn’t an option in those early days and I often felt that I was neglecting my husband.
Mac’s birthday was approaching and I decided to throw a surprise party for him at the Pizzeria. This was a huge sacrifice, the Island was filled with tourists in March and I would have to close the restaurant for the night. However, I wanted to do something special for Mac and started spreading word about the party.
Keeping a secret on Bequia is almost impossible, and I wanted the party to be a surprise. With few ‘phones and no computers I had to invite our friends via word of mouth. This wasn’t so very hard, making sure that Mac didn’t hear about it was the challenge. I told everyone to bring a bottle and an appetite for pizza and NOT to tell Mac!
Mac was a very popular man and had a lot of friends. A large group assembled at the Pizzeria as the sun went down, and when it started to get dark I shouted up to the house for Mac. When he emerged onto the porch I told him the ovens weren’t working and that I needed him to come quickly. By then he must have been feeling “down”, I had made of point of not mentioning his birthday, letting him think I had forgotten his special day.
Mac arrived with a huge scowl on his face – he was not looking forward to tinkering with the ovens during the busy dinner hour. He was truly startled when everyone jumped up and shouted, “Surprise!!”. I threw my arms around him and said, “Happy Birthday sweetheart!”. With another scowl he said, “today is NOT my birthday!” Whoops! I got the bloody date wrong, his birthday wasn’t for another three days!
Well, we had the party anyway, and what a blast! I kept a steady stream of conch fritters and pizzas going while a friend lined up dancing music. Between the drinks, food and packaloulou the party was a huge success, Mac had chilled out and was having a great time. Our friend George arrived wearing just an apron, the front of which resembled a tuxedo, the back featuring his bare bum. Others were dressed outrageously too but George won the prize that night!
The party went on until the wee hours, I had started the day’s baking by the time people started to disperse. Stepping into the dining room after the sun had risen I noticed something hanging over my exora bush. On closer inspection I saw that it was George’s apron, I guess he had left it as a gift for the hostess with the mostest!