All stories have endings.

Judy Simmons passed away on August 9th, 2024.

As she wrote, “My life has been filled with laughter and tears, joy and sorrow, and it has been incredible.”

Judy has left us all with a legacy of more than 400 glimpses into that incredible life on the island of Bequia in the Caribbean.

While stories must have endings, the special ones stay in our minds and hearts forever.

Thank you for these, Judy.

13 Replies to “EPILOGUE”

  1. Dearest Rachel and Vanessa,
    I’ve been sending love to you both since hearing of Judy’s passing last Friday.
    The shock of it has brought on a flood of memories that haven’t stopped and hopefully never will.
    We all shared the richest of days in Bequia, at Hope Beach and you girls coming to play with Max and Ian when time was so free and there for the taking.
    Judy’s stories captured her life on Bequia like no other and each one a peek into a time one had to be there and fortunately we all were.
    Thank you Judy.

  2. How endearingly sad to read of Judy’s passing. She was the beginning of my love affair with Bequia in 2001. As a young widow looking for a safe Island in the Caribbean to discover, Judy and Nik embraced me, taking me under their wing, setting me up at Ira Bynoe’s Pattree, showing me how to enjoy Island life, and the special place called Mac’s. This January 2025 I will return once again to fill my heart with Bequia and it’s people. Sincere condolences to Vanessa, Rachel, and Nik. Sandy Domina

  3. Thank you and Bless you, Judy! May God’s peace be with you and with your family and with all who cherish your blogs ~

  4. Judy’s sudden passing is so sad. During her life she contributed so much to Bequia. Her Island Life Stories leave such a wonderful legacy. They brought me much pleasure. I looked forward to reading them every week. She will be missed so very much!

  5. I have been enthralled with Judy’s tales of Bequia for many years. In fact, I kept encouraging her to turn them into a book which I thought could certainly rival Don’t Stop the Carnival.

    Thanks for such an entertaining and insightful narrative of life on Bequia. But, more importantly, for being my friend over these many years. Rest in peace❤️

  6. So sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. She was a true friend to me and Joni during our years on Bequia, as were your wonderful grandparents. They will live on in our memories.

  7. Such a loss! Condolences to Nik, and Vanessa, Rachel and their families. I am so grateful for all of Judy’s wonderful stories. They bring back warm memories of Bequia.

  8. Dearest Judy,
    You will be missed by so many of us for your stories, your advice, your sharp wit, your utterly delcious kitchen creations and all those memorable sunsets on the porch. Thank you for being such a special and beloved friend. Your loss has torn a huge hole in the fabric of Bequia as well as in our hearts.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear about Judy’s passing. I was so close to contacting her to say how much pleasure her posts gave me, and how they also brought back so many great memories. I arrived in Bequia in 1979 having sailed from San Fransisco with Bequia as our destination port! I was on a 40′ sailboat called Gay Pandora, sailing with Natasha, often just the 2 of us. I stayed on Bequia for 18 months, later Gay Pandora ended up a wreck on the beach or as Nolly out it “Vic, you have your own dock!” when I visited in 2002.
    I was there for water Pearls build and launch, and some great jump ups down on Lower Bay, and tasty ‘wraps’ that Judy sold at the Pizzeria. I’ve got a lot of photos and happy memories, Natasha is still a good friend.
    I also helped build and sail on the Atlantic Clipper a sailing cargo vessel, built in the UK, and trading trans Atlantic and then inter-Island. It’s been so good to reconnect after all these years with old acquaintances via Judy’s stories.
    Grateful Love to you Vanessa and your Family

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