Honey Pot

A story by Vanessa

When I was little my family lived for a while in my Aunt Hyacinth’s house on family hill. My Grampi’s house was next door, and my Uncle Bill and his family lived with him. Uncle Nolly’s house was at the top of the hill, and my sister and I often climbed up the path to visit him.  Uncle Bill’s son Justin was close to us in age and liked to tag along.

One day a lady from overseas arrived to stay at Uncle Nolly’s house.  I don’t remember anything about her except that she had a plastic jar of honey in the shape of a bear. As soon as I saw that jar I just knew I had to have it, it was simply the coolest thing I had ever seen!  Cousin Justin also wanted the jar, he liked it too. Every day we begged the lady to give it to us, and she promised that if she finished the honey before she left one of us could have it.

I started to plot the night before the lady left.  I was going to get up very early  and go up the hill to say good-bye to her, surely the honey pot would be mine!  The next morning I rose at dawn and hiked to the house barefooted, excited that I was finally going to have the jar.  I arrived at the house, politely said my farewells, then asked her about the bear.  She informed me that I was too late, Justin had beaten me to it!  The crafty bugger had gotten up earlier than I and had outmaneuvered me!  I was crushed.

Justin never let on that he had the bear, and I was too proud to admit that it mattered to me.  I never told him that I had plotted to get it behind his back.  I think of him whenever I buy my plastic jar of honey because I always get the one in the shape of a bear!