During the off-season the Pizzeria was usually closed for the month of September and the first two weeks of October. Visitors at that time of year were a rarity, and it was therefore a good time to sand and varnish furniture and carry out repairs before the onset of another season. Business was extremely seasonal back then, even when we re-opened in the middle of October the “pickings” were pretty slim! The Pizzeria would not start to bustle until the 20th of December, and it would stay busy until Easter had come and gone. I kept off-season hours until mid-December, closing the Pizzeria one day a week so that everyone could have the same day off.

One year, Mac and I decided to have a staff party just before the start of the full-season schedule. We wanted to give our employees a fun day before the Pizzeria got busy, they worked hard for us and deserved a treat. The staff loved the idea of a picnic at Hope Beach, many had never been to that particular bay and were keen to go. Packing our sturdy Toyota pick-up truck with food and drink, Mac and I jostled our way down the treacherous road to Uncle Cyril’s coconut plantation. Setting up a picnic kitchen in a spot sheltered from the wind, we ate, drank and frolicked in the big waves. Everyone had a wonderful time that day, and the staff party became something of a tradition. Thinking back to that fun day, why we didn’t stick to beach picnics is beyond me!

We began having the staff parties at different restaurants. I really don’t know what inspired me to take them to “Asian Night” at the Friendship Bay Hotel, perhaps I thought they would enjoy eating different and exotic food? The looks on their faces when tiny portions of foreign cuisine were placed in front of them were priceless, even more so when they tasted it! I could tell they were not impressed, they had “walked” with their appetites and the Asian food was not filling the gap. The evening cost me a pretty penny and the staff had left hungry, I am sure everyone had a good time but the food had been a disappointment.

The following year I decided to take my staff to the Frangi Barbecue, the food was always good and I knew the sumptuous buffet would be a huge treat for them. The food WAS good, but the imported steaks were best if cooked medium to rare, and most of the staff liked their meat well done. It was a shame to see charred, dried-out steaks on their plates, but they seemed to enjoy the food. Everyone had a nice evening, but once the hefty bar tab was added to the bill the evening cost me a pretty penny!

The year I took the staff to Coco’s Place in Lower Bay was the last time I took them out to a restaurant for dinner. The food was great, Coco knew how to please the local palate, but the bar bill by the end of the evening was outrageous! My staff discovered flaming sambucas that night, and those not used to strong alcoholic beverages suffered the following day. Chester entertained the entire restaurant by getting up on one of the tables and dancing. Chester’s table-top dance was downright lewd, funny but quite rude! My staff had a ball that night but it had cost me a pretty penny. I apologized to Coco the next day but he just laughed, Chester had entertained his other patrons royally.

I finally decided to have the annual party at the Pizzeria, I would cook food I knew my staff enjoyed and they could dance on the tables all they wanted! The restaurant was closed one day a week in the off-season, so the party (now officially the staff Christmas party), was held on a closed night just before the full season schedule commenced. I cooked up a storm for my employees and their partners, it was a lot of work but they were worth the effort. They had a lot of fun, especially when I got a Karaoke machine for them to play with.

However, why we didn’t stick to beach picnics really and truly is beyond me, so much simpler! You live and learn………….