Most people who have grown up on Bequia know where the “kiddie pool” is located, and they probably have fond memories of magical moments splashing in its shallow water. The kiddie pool, sheltered by a narrow reef, offers a safe spot for those too young to venture into deep water, and my children spent many afternoons playing there with friends and family. It’s a special haven conveniently situated between Keegan’s Guest House and De Reef Bar and Restaurant, and my memories of wallowing in its soothing, warm water are dear to me.

The Kiddie pool isn’t just for “kids”. Before my children were born, I spent plenty of time cooling off in the pool while chatting with friends; it’s so shallow that our hands were left free to eat a mango or two, or to drink a cold beverage without having to tread water. The nearby trees offered ample shade, although I learned pretty quickly not to shelter under the manchineel variety during or after it had rained!

My children took their first sea bath in the kiddie pool, and over the years I have watched many parents dip their babies in its warm water. Sometimes an eel takes up residence in the reef and causes a bit of a stir, adding spicy excitement for children as they play. On one famous occasion an octopus lived on the far side of the reef and entertained the young ones royally, an experience I am sure they have never forgotten.

The area in front of the kiddie pool is a wonderful spot for family beach limes; the combination of a safe place for the young to paddle along with shade for the elders makes it a perfect and therefore popular picnic location. It’s not uncommon to see balloons adorning the trees announcing the presence of a birthday celebration in progress, and I always pause to watch the children frolicking in the pool while the adults cook, drink and socialize.

Vanessa and Rachel spent many happy days in and around the kiddie pool, one could say they practically grew UP in it, and I know it holds a special place in their childhood memories. Now that they have grown up our grandchildren play in the same spot when they visit Bequia, and it warms my heart to watch them. They discovered the octopus living in the reef on their last visit, a gift of nature they will remember for the rest of their lives, I am sure!

Do I still wallow in the kiddie pool? Yes, I do, but usually in the off-season when the beach is quiet and the sea calm. I sit up to my waist in the still, warm water and remember people no longer with us who shared the same spot with me on sunny afternoons. I remember dipping my babies for the first time in the sea, and fun-filled birthday celebrations under the trees. I remember so many kiddie pool magical moments, and know I am not alone.

Enjoy reading about some of your fond memories of times gone by being in the kiddie pool.
Thanks for igniting fond memories of swimming with my son as a small child in the kiddie pool.
So lovely to have such great memories ❤️