Tom and Jan Weston, along with their young sons Colin (3) and Brady (7), took up residence at Moon-hole in 1988. Gladys Johnston, who owned Moon Hole along with her husband, was Tom’s Aunt (his mother’s sister), and as Tom had visited in the past he was no stranger to Bequia. However, VISITING the Island is one thing, actually LIVING on the Island is a different kettle of fish, and moving here from America with a young wife and two small children was adventurous to say the least!

Tom, a freelance cinematographer, had a burning desire to film the Bequia Whalers in action, a desire that often led to despair and frustration as well as great joy and personal fulfillment. Having listened to stories about the whalers and their bravery, he longed to film the men chasing and capturing a humpback, and with Athneal Ollivierre’s consent he sailed in the whaleboats with his camera equipment day after day after day. It could not have been very comfortable (those whale boats were not built for wusses, I can attest to that!), but Tom was a man on a mission and persevered in his quest for footage. I don’t think I exaggerate when I say it became a bit of an obsession for Tom, and I have a feeling his wife would agree! Jan had the patience of a saint.

Unfortunately, the humpbacks decided they did not want to be filmed, and for a few years Bequia went without the taste of fresh whale meat. Although my father blessed the whaling boats as usual the humpbacks remained elusive, I was starting to think dad was losing his touch!

This was of course a frustrating state of affairs for poor Tom, he was eager to film an exhilarating chase from a wooden sailboat and there were no whales in sight. None. He got lovely footage of the whalers themselves, their boats and equipment and the sea they sailed upon, but there were no humpbacks. It became increasingly obvious to Tom that filming the capturing and harpooning of a whale was not going to be a simple matter, not when the whales were refusing to cooperate. It didn’t help that people were starting to wonder if Tom and his cameras were jinxing the whalers, that was NOT a reputation Tom needed or wanted!

Meanwhile, things had changed at Moon Hole. Tom’s Aunt Gladys sadly passed away, and Tom and his family had to find another place to live. I steered them towards Family Hill, we had moved into our new home by then and the house above the sail loft was available for rent at a reasonable price. I also mentioned to Jan that I was in need of a Hostess at the Pizzeria, and that if her family moved to Belmont she could have the job.

The Weston family DID move to Belmont in 1992, and Jan worked hard at the Pizzeria. Tom was not entirely happy that his wife and childhood sweetheart was seating patrons and serving drinks at a restaurant, but finances were getting slim and the money Jan was earning as a hostess was needed. Colin and Brady were attending the Anglican Primary School, and came to the restaurant for staff lunch each day with Vanessa and Rachel, a small perk that went along with the job. I enjoyed having Jan’s help at the Pizzeria and so did my staff, she had a kind heart, a gentle disposition and a warm smile for everyone.

The whales finally co-operated, and Tom got the footage he needed to make “The Wind That Blows”, a truly magical film about the tradition of whaling on Bequia. It poignantly portrays the beauty of a proud and gentle culture that is unique in these modern times. The Westons moved back to the United States, where Tom worked at his trade as a cinematographer and Jan taught school. The film? Well, it took another 20 years before Tom was satisfied, with additional filming carried out in 2010 and 2011. “The Wind That Blows” was indeed a bit of an obsession, and I for one am happy that Tom found the closure he needed! I have watched his film and it is beautiful, well worth the blood, sweat and tears!

Now Tom and Jan have retired and visit Bequia during the winter months, where they can be found most evenings at the Frangi Bar. it’s always a pleasure to get together with them and to reminisce about “de good old days” on Bequia, when we were young and life was so much simpler! History Tradition