The Miracle Tree

Fast-growing and drought-resistant moringa trees can be found quite readily on Bequia, their long pods and distinctive leaves make them easy to spot. The moringa is known by several names, “miracle tree”, “drumstick tree” and “the tree of life” being just a few, and is becoming increasingly popular due to its many health benefits. Moringa has been used for thousands of years by animals as well as people and for good reason – it’s a very potent tree!

Moringa has many benefits; rich in vitamins and minerals, it’s an excellent source of energy, and oils from the seeds are utilized in hair and skin care products. Ground moringa seeds can be used as a water purifier, and their medicinal uses are numerous. The leaves, roots, bark and seeds are all non-toxic, which means they can be cooked, eaten raw or boiled for tea. Research has indicated that if consumed on a daily basis, moringa can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It’s also quite nutritious, containing vitamins as well as calcium, protein, iron and amino acid, all of which have healing powers and help to build muscle.

Nik became interested in the moringa tree while researching natural additives for chicken feed – he wanted to supplement the store-bought meal so that our hens would lay superior eggs. This interest led him directly to the moringa and its magical properties, and he immediately located pods so that he could sprout seeds to grow his own trees. It will take a while for the trees to mature in his aquaponics garden, but he’s a patient man! Soon the chickens will have fresh moringa leaves on a daily basis, and so will our goats. We don’t have to worry about whether or not the leaves are good for them because they’re non-toxic and therefore can do no harm.

When our trees have grown enough, I’ll start adding moringa leaves to our morning smoothies. Our daily “health drink” may not work miracles such as lowering cholesterol, but it’s definitely better for us than any alternative I can think of, and the fresh leaves will make the smoothies even more beneficial.

Geez – I might even start drinking moringa tea instead of coffee, but that’s pretty doubtful, I DO love my morning coffee!

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